Question: How can the evil of a magician be avoided knowing that the magic is going to soon transpire?
Answer: It is possible that it can be avoided if the affair becomes assured of by the way of clear strong evidences and to establish the clear proof against this magician in order to prevent him from practicing magic. But I would love to take this opportunity to warn against that which has become wide spread amongst the people today from the abundance of false superstitions , to the point that an individual is afflicted with a common cold and he will say that he has been bewitched or he has been afflicted by the evil eye, or the likes of this.
And as a result of this complaints have increased about the evil eye and magic along with the fact that it might just be superstitious and be void and have no reality to it. So that which is incumbent upon the individual is that he be steadfast in his reliance on Allah and not to submit to these superstitions and magicians.
The role Of Women Rectifying the Society pg 38 By Shaykh Al-Allaamah Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen.

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