In summary, it is from corrupt beliefs and understanding that the acts of criticism, giving advice, ordering the good, and prohibiting evil bring about confusion in the ranks along with disturbing public affairs.
This is because these groups dread dialogue and are afraid of advice. Shaytaan has deceived some of its individuals to think that commanding the good and fighting evil ruins the groups' existence and that these things do not strengthen the group. So these groups are not worthy to continue and not worthy of bearing the message of Islam because from the first principle of Islam is commanding the good and forbidding the evil and the one deprived of something cannot give it to others.
The banishment of giving advice, blocking it, and annihilation of it contains and grave danger that leads to the extinction of the essence of the issue and what is left is just a superficial image only of the Da'wah. Hence, the means is transformed (the cooperation within the group is to acquire or accumulate the most actions). This becomes the goal in its own right.
Excessive individualism, and terrorist ideologies which are practiced by some of the callers; these callers neglect piety, which requires humbleness , gentleness, and good manners. Consequently, where common sense is not found, such practices will cause division and sectarianism. Emphasis is placed on particular issues while general aims and goals are neglected and priorities and not set. Furthermore, the classification of problems and productive work come to a halt and the means are turned into an end as we have stated previously. People will not visualize Islam except through these individuals. Moreover, efforts are turned into production of excuses. To solve these problems we should deal with them through intellectual and collective dialogue, sticking to the Islamic etiquette's of differing, and Islamic principles and concepts should be the goal and not the means or personalities. 'Aqeedah should be professed in the heart. There is no dominating influence other than the influence of evidence (Qur'an and Sunnah) and conviction and sincerity is what motivates our actions, just as Allah described the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa Salam when He said that the purpose of sending him was to add mercy to the world.
"And We have not sent you except as a mercy for the 'Aalameen (mankind, Jinn and all that exists)." Suratul-'Anbiyyah 21:107
And Allah Subahana wa ta'laa says:
"You are not a dictator over them." Suratul-Ghaashiyah 88:22
And Allah Subahana wa ta'laa says:
"So will you then compel mankind, until they become believers."
And Allah Subahana wa ta'alaa says:
" And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have turned away from you." Suratul Aali Imraan 3:159
And this is well known fact when calling to Allah and a mercy to the world of mankind and Jinn
The Methodology Of The Salaf in Aqeedah And It's Influence On Muslim youth pg 64-66 By Shaykh Saaleh Ibn Sa'd As-Suhaymee

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