Sufficiency in Creed
by Imaam Ibn Quadaamah Al-Maqdisee {rahimahullaah}
Explanation by Imaam Muhammad Saalih 'Uthaymeen {rahimahullaah}
Pgs. 128-134.
Chapter: Faith in everything that the Messenger {'alayhee salatul wasalaam} has informed of
Imaam Ibn Qudaamah says:
Mankind will be gathered o�n the Day of Judgment, barefoot naked, uncircumcised, and having nothing with them, {i.e., possessions}. They will stop at the final place of standing, until our Prophet {alayhee salatul wasalaam} intercedes for them and Allaah, Blessed and Exalted, reckons with them {i.e., judges them}. The Balances will be set up, the records will be distributed and the pages containing the deeds of each individual will be dispersed into the right hands and left hand.
"Then as for him who will be given his record in his right hand, he surely will receive an easy reckoning. And will return back to his family in joy! But whosoever is given his record behind his back (or in his left hand) he will invoke (for his) destruction. And he shall enter a blazing Fire and made to taste it's burning flames." {Surah Al-Inshiqaaq 84:7-12}
Imaam 'Uthaymeen explanation:
The Resurrection and the Gathering
Linguistically, Al-Ba'ath {Resurrection} means the sending forth or the dispersal of something. Religiously, it means the bringing to life of the dead o�n the Day of Judgment. Al-Hashr linguistically means a gathering and religiously, it refers to the gathering o�n the Day of Judgment so that they may be recompensed and judged.
The Resurrection and the Gathering are true and established in the Qur'aan, the Sunnah and the Ijmaa' (unanimous agreement) of the Muslims. Allaah says;
"Say: 'Yes, by my Lord, you will certainly be resurrected.'" {Surah At-Taghaabun 64:7}
And he says:
"Say: 'Yes, those of old and those of later times, all will surely be gathered together for an appointed meeting of a known Day.'" {Surah Al-Waaqiah 56:49-50}
The Prophet ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) said:
"Mankind will be gathered o�n the Day of Judgment, upon a reddish white earth {that looks} like a pure loaf of bread. There will be no landmarks o�n it for anyone {to see or use}.***
***Hadeeth: Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: Book of Riqaaq (No.# 6521) and Saheeh Muslim: Book of the Description of the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hellfire {Hadith No.# 2790}
The Muslims will be gathered barefeet, they will not have any shoes placed o�n them. They will be naked, no clothes will there be upon them. They will be uncircumcised, with no signs of circumcision o�n them. This due to Allaah's statement:
"As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it." {Surah Al-Anbiyaa 21:104}
And the Prophet ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) statement:
"Indeed you will be gathered barefoot, naked and uncircumcised." {Then he recited):
"As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it. {It is} a promise binding o�n Us. Truly, We shall do it." {Surah Al-Anbiyaa 21:104}.
{The he said}: "And the first o�ne to be dressed will be Ibraheem." ***
***{Agreed Upon}***
Saheeh Al Bukharee: Book of the Prophets (No.#3349) and Saheeh Muslim: Book of Paradise (No.# 2860)
And in the Marfoo' hadeeth of 'Abdillaah Bin Anas (radiallahu anhu), which has been reported by Imaam Ahmad, the Prophet ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) said:
"On the day of Day of Judgement mankind will be gathered barefoot, naked, uncircumcised and in (a state of) buhm." We said: "What is buhm?" He (alayhee salatul wasalaam) said: "They will not have anything with them."***
***Hadeeth Hasaan***
Marfoo': Raised; a narration attributed to the Prophet ('alayhee salatul wasalaam)
The Accounting
Al-Hisaab {The Accounting} linguistically means, the estimation of something (i.e., a number). Religiously, it refers to Allaah's examination of His servants based o�n their deeds It is affirmed in the Qur'aan, the Sunnah and the unanimous agreement of the Muslims. Allaah says:
"Verily, to Us will be their return. Then verily, for Us will be their accounting (Hisaab)." {Surah Al-Ghaashiyah 88: 25-26}
The Prophet ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) would say in some of his prayers:
"O Allaah, reckon me with a light accounting." So 'Aa'ishah (radhiallaahu 'anha) asked: "What is the light accountting (Hisaab Yaseer)?" He ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) said: "That He (Allaah) looks in the book (of deeds) of His servant and then He overlooks it." ***
Ahmad reported this hadeeth and Al-Albaanee said its chain was good.***
*** Hadeeth Saheeh: An authentic hadeeth reported by Ahmad (6/48) and Ibn Abee 'Aasim in As-Sunnah (885), and the wording used here is from Ahmad. Al-Albaanee said in his checking to As-Sunnah (2/249): "It's chain is saheeh." The source of this hadeeth is found in two Saheeh collections-in Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree (No.#103, 6536, & 6537) and Saheeh Muslim (No.#2876) with the wording: "There is no o�ne that will be held to account o�n the Day of Judgement, except that he will be ruined." I ('Aaishah) said: "Did not Allaah say:
'Then He will be held to account with a light accounting (Hisaab Yaseer)?' {Surah -Al-Inshiqaaq 84:8}
So he ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) said " That o�nly refers to the presentation (of o�ne's account). But rather, whoever is thoroughly taken into account, then he will be ruined."***
The Muslims have unanimously agreed o�n affirming the Accounting o�n the Day of Judgement. The description of the Accounting for the believer is that:
"Allaah will confer privately with him and remind him of his sins, until he will realize that he is ruined. Then Allaah will say to him: 'I screened your sins in the world for you and today, I will forgive you for them.' Then he will be given his book of good deeds. As for the disbelievers and the hypocrites, (their sins will be exposed publicly) and there will be a general announcement about them before all creatures: "These are the o�nes who lied upon their Lord. Verily, is not the curse of Allaah upon the wrongdoers!'"***
*** Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: Book of Wrongdoings (No.#2441) and Saheeh Muslim: Book of Repentance (No.#2768) from the hadeeth of 'Abdillaah ibn 'Umar (radhiallaahu 'anhu)
The accounting is universal, including all of mankind except for those whom the Prophet ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) has exempted. And they are seventy thousand people form this ummah (of Muslims) including among them, 'Ukkaasha bin Muhsin (radhiallaahu 'anhu). They will enter Paradise without any Accounting or punishment.***
Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: Book of Riqaaq (No.#6541) and Saheeh Muslim's: Book of Faith (No.#220) from the hadeeth of Ibn Abbaas (radhiallaahu 'anhu). Also in this subject, is the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (radhiallaahu 'anhu) found in Al-Bukhaaree (No.#5811 & 6542) and Muslim (No.#216) and the hadeeth of 'Imraan bin Husayn (radhiallaahu 'anhu) in Saheeh Muslim (No.#218).
Ahmad reported in the marfoo hadeeth of Thawbaan (radhiallahu 'anhu), that: "...with every individual (amongst these 70,000), there will be (in turn) seventy thousand." Ibn Katheer said this was an authentic hadeeth and he mentioned supporting narrations for it.
***Hadeeth Hasaan: This hadeeth of Thawbaan (radhiallahu 'anhu) is found in At-Tabaraanee's Al-Kabeer (1413) and Ahmad (5/280-281)***
This ummah (of Muslims) will be the first in receiving the Accounting, due to the Prophet's ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) saying:
"We are the last (of nations), while being the first to be judged before (the rest of) the creatures." {Agreed Upon}***
***Saheeh Muslim: Book of Jumu'ah (No.# 856) from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (radhiallaahu 'anhu) and Hudhaifah (radhiallaah 'anhu). And it's wording is found in Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree (No.#876) and Saheeh Muslim (No.#856) is as follows: "We are the last (of nations), while being the first (to be judged), except that they were given the Book before us." It occurs from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (radhiallaahu 'anhu)
And Ibn Maajah reported from Ibn Abbaas (radhiallahu 'anhu) in marfoo' form: "We are the last of nations, while being the first to receive the Accounting."***
***Reported by Ibn Maajah (4290), Ahmad (1/282)(2/274 & 342) and Al-Bayhaqee in Dalaa'il-un-Nubwah (5/482) from the hadeeth of Ibn Abbaas (radhiallahu 'anhu). Al-Boosayree said in Az-Zawaa'id (3/317): "This hadith of Ibn Abbaas (radhiallahu 'anhu) is authentic and its narrators are all reliable." Shaikh Al-Albaanee also authenticated it.***
The first thing from the rights of Allah that the servant will be accounted for is the prayer. This is due to the Prophet's (alayhee salatul wasalaam) statement: "The first thing that the servant will be held accountable for, is the prayer. If it is good, then the rest of his deeds will be good. And if it is defective, then the rest of his deeds will be defective."
At-Tabaraanee reported this hadeeth in Al-Awsat and there are not problems with it's chain, by the Will of Allaah. This is what Al-Mundhiree said in At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb: Vol. 1, pg. 246***
***Hadeeth Saheeh: An authentic hadith reported by At-Tirmidhee (413), An-Nasaa'ee (1/232) and Ibn Maajah (1426) from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (radhiallahu anhu). Al-Albaanee authenticated it in Saheeh At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb (1/185)***
The first thing (from the rights of humans) that mankind will be judged for will be the matters concerning bloodshed, due to the Prophet's ('alayhee salatul wasalaam) saying:
"The first thing that will be judged between mankind, o�n the Day of Judgement , will be the matters concerning bloodshed."***