Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Tree Of Sincerity

Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said: “A year is like a tree, the months are its boughs, the days are its branches, the hours are its leaves, and its breath is its fruit. Whoever’s breath used to obey Allaah, the fruit of his tree will be good and pure. Whoever’s breath used to disobey Allah, his fruit will be evil. The time of harvest is on the Day of Resurrection and at that time the fruit will be shown, whether it is sweet or sour. Sincerity and monotheism is a tree within the heart. Its branches are deeds and its fruit is the pleasures of life during this worldly life and permanent happiness in the Hereafter. The fruit of Paradise is neither limited nor forbidden, and the fruit of monotheism and sincerity in this worldly life are the same. Polytheism, lying, and hypocrisy are also a tree within the heart. Its fruit is during life like fear, distress, sadness, and tightness of the chest and darkness of the heart, and in the Hereafter az-Zaqqum and a permanent punishment. Allaah mentioned those two trees in verses of Surah Ibrahim.” ~ [Excerpted from: Al-Fawaaid, Page 276 of Shamsu Deen Ibn Al-Qayyim Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah)] Note: Az-Zaqqum (A kind of food in Hell)

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