Monday, April 30, 2012

The Meaning Of Tabarruj

Allaah azza wa jal mentions in his Noble Book:

"And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves immorally (tabarruj) like that of the Days of Ignorance. And establish the prayer and give the Zakaat and obey Allaah and His Messenger" (Surah Al-Ahzaab: 33)

Ibn Katheer (rahimahmullaah) said: Mujahid said: "A woman would go out and walk amongst men (i.e intermingling) . This was the Tabarruj of the Day of Ignorance.
Qatadah said: "The women would walk out, swaggering and flirting (with men) so Allaah forbade them from doing that"
Muqatil bin Hayyan said: "Tabarruj is when a woman puts a Khimar on her head but not fastening it properly so her necklaces, earrings and neck, and all of that can be seen. As a result of this, these are all exposed from her. This is Tabarruj"
(Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn katheer, volume 3, page 94)

Imam Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Naasir As-Saa'dee (rahimahullaah) said: This (ayah) means: Do not go out whilst you are beautified or perfumed, as the women of the Days of Ignorance used to do since they did not have any knowledge or religious characteristics.

Imam Al-Qurtubee (rahimahullaah) said: "From the ways of Tabarruj is that a woman wears two transparent garments that describe her body"
(Tafseer Al-Qurtubee, volume 12, page 310)

Imam Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Naasir As-Saa'dee (rahimahullaah) said: This (ayah) means: Do not go out whilst you are beautified or perfumed, as the women of the Days of Ignorance used to do since they did not have any knowledge or religious characteristics.
(Tafseer Ibn Sa'adee, volume 6, no.107)

Imam Al-Albanee (rahimahullaah) said: "Tabarruj is when a woman exposes her adornment, body features and all that she is obligated to cover which invites the desires of men"
(Mar'at-il-Muslimah , page 54)

The Messenger of Allaah (may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "And the worst of your women are the ones who commit Tabarruj, who strut around in arrogance. They are the hypocrites"
(Reported by al-Bayhaqi in his Sunan)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The condition's on what breaks one's fast

Book: Daleel al Talib
Chapter : It's haram for the one who doesnt have exuse to break fast in Ramadan
By our beloved Shaykh Hamad Muhammad al-Hajri may Allah preserve him and his family. Amin

To proceed:

The condition's on what breaks one's fast and there are 12;

1. Coming of the Period and Post birth blood
2. Death
3. Apostasy ( may Allah save us from this )
4. Firme resoltv that he wants to break his fast
5. Being back and forth in regards to breaking his fast
6. Purposesly making one self throw-up
7. Ihtiqaf ( the shot that is injected in your anul )
8. Swallowing our spit ( this one dose not brake your fast )
9. Hijamah ( douing it to some one or being done to )
10. Coming of semen ( by looking at fitna of his wife & this is due to his own negligence )
11. Exiting of the semen ( by touching or kissing )
12. Anything that touches the throat ( this does not break your fast but if it goes down your troat it does )

But if you do any of them above mentiond by forgetfullnes ( if you forgot ) then you did not break your fast.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Benefit From Fudayl Ibn Iyaad

Al-Fudayl Ibn Iyaad Said:

O Poor Person You Are Offensive But You See Yourself As A Good-doer. You Are Ignorant But You See Yourself As A Learn't -Person. You Are Stingy But You See Yourself As Noble. You Act Foolish But You See Yourself As Intelligent. Your Term Is Short(Life In This World) And Your Hope Is Long. I Say(Fudayl) Wa Allaahi The Truth Is You Are An Oppresser So See Yourself As An Oppresser. You Eat What Haram So See Yourself As A Evil Doer. You Think That You Are Just And A Seeker Of Knowledge But It Only For The Dunya. You Seek Knowledge Allaah only

{Siyar A'laamun-Nubalaa'i)

Trans: Nasir Abuz-Zubayr

Ibn al-Qayyim Discusses the Wisdoms of Islamic Polygyny

Ibn al-Qayyim on Polygyny Ibn al-Qayyim Discusses the Wisdoms of Islamic Polygyny First, he addresses the wisdom in limiting the number of wives specifically to four: ", this is from the completeness of His blessing and Shari'ah, and is in accordance with His wisdom, mercy, and benefit for His servants. This is because one of the purposes of marriage is sexual intercourse and the fulfillment of one's desire, and from the people are those who are overtaken by their desire, and are not satisfied with one. So, He allowed him a second, third, and fourth one (i.e. three additional wives)...and the Legislator has attached numerous rulings to this number (three), as He has allowed the migrant to remain in Makkah for three days after completing his rituals, and allowed the traveller to wipe over his footwear for three days, and made the preferred length of hosting a guest to be three days..." He then goes on to explain the wisdom in allowing multiple spouses for the man, in exclusion to the woman: "...this is from the completeness of the Wisdom of the Exalted Lord, and His goodness and mercy towards His servants, and His taking their interests into account, and He is Exalted above doing anything other than this, and His Shari'ah is far from coming with other than this. If it was allowed for the woman to have two or more husbands, the world would be ruined, and progeny would be lost, and the husbands would end up killing each other, and a crisis would ensue, and the fitnah would become severe, and war would erupt. And how can the affair of the woman remain firm when she has bickering partners? And how can the affair of these partners themselves remain firm? So, the coming of the Shari'ah with what it came with of opposition to this is from the greatest of proofs of the wisdom, mercy, and consideration of the Legisator. So, if it is said: how can the interests of the man be taken into account, with his being able to marry whom he wants, fulfill his desire, and move from one woman to the next in accordance with his desires and needs - all while the needs of the woman are just like his needs, and the desires of the woman are just like his desires? We answer: since it is the nature of the woman to be concealed behind the walls and hidden in the depths of her home, and her moods are cooler than that of the man, and her outer and inner movements are less than his movements, and the man has been given strength and intensity that leads his desire more so than with the woman, and he has been tested with what she has not been tested with, he is granted the choice of having multiple spouses that is not available to the woman. This is from what Allah has set aside exclusively for the male, and has preferred for them over women, just as He has preferred for them Messengership, Prophethood, Khilafah, kingship and leadership, governance, Jihad , etc. over women. Also, He has made men to be guardians over women, traversing about for the purpose of looking after their best interests, constantly on the lookout for means of sustaining them, encountering dangers, and exposing themselves to all types of hardships in the path of doing what is best for their wives. So, the Exalted Lord is Thankful and Forbearing, and He thanks them for this, and has compensated them by instilling for them what He did not instill for their wives. And if you compare the fatigue, hardship, and efforts of the man in fulfilling the interests of the women with what the women have to endure of jealousy, you would find that the man's share of having to endure this fatigue, hardship, and effort is much greater than what the women have to endure of jealousy..." He continues: "As for the one who says that the desire of the woman is even more than that of the man, this is not the case. The driving force behind the desire is fervor (lit. heat). So, where is the fervor of the woman in comparison to the fervor of the male? The woman - because of her free time, slowness, and absence of what will keep her busy from the fulfillment of her desire - might be overtaken by her desire, and will not find that which would oppose it. Rather, it finds a heart and soul free from distraction. So, it is able to instill itself within her to the utmost, resulting in one assuming that her desire is multiple times that of the man, and this is not the case. And from that which proves this is that if a man has intercourse with his wife, he can have intercourse with other women in the same time frame, and the Prophet used to go around to all of his wives in a single night, and Sulayman went to 90 women in a single night, and it is known that with each woman, he displays desire and fervor that drives him to have intercourse. The woman, on the other hand, if the man fulfills his desire with her, she becomes exhausted, and does not seek to fulfill her desire with any additional man within that time frame. So, the wisdom of of the Decree, Legislation, Creation, and Command is implemented, and praise is for Allah." ['I'lam al-Muwaqqi'in'; 2/64-66]

Qur'an Review With Shaykh Saalim At-Ta'weel

Shaykh Saalim wanted to make sure we new the last 20 surahs of juz, 'amma. Before each tafsir class we recite at least surah after him. First we go ayah by ayah about 3 times each. Then ayah by ayah we go through the surah 10 times repeating after the shaykh. Periodically we have tests on a few surahs. I find this approach very beneficial for several reasons. 1. We get to enjoy the shaykh's recitation. 2. The shaykh can correct or recitations 3. This broadens our range of teaching methods 4. Reviewing helps to solidify the surahs you memorized 5. This also allows you to contemplate the meanings of what you know more 6. You get the rewards for reciting the Qur,aan

I would like to take this time to focus on the last point I mentioned. In the last class we went through Fil & Humazah. We all know the hadith of Rasulullah that we will get 10 rewards for each letter of Qur,aan we recite. In Suratul-Humazah there are about 150 letters in Suratul-Fil there are about 100 (that is if we round both surahs down).
Going through each surah once would earn you 1500 hasanaat from Al-Humazah & 1000 hasanaat from Al-Fil. Reciting them both 13 times would give the reciter more than 32500 good deeds and Allah's face is sought.

Al-Hamdulillah this is just some of the benefit that one derives from sitting with ahlul-'Ilm. But the good part is we all came implement this one with family and friends in the masijd, in the Muslim schools, in our houses, in the parks in our cars etc.. May Allah assist us in using our time for drawing closer to Him, amin.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wasting time is a sign of being forsaken by Allah

Ibnul-Qayyem Al-Jawziyyah said

"wasting time is a sign of being hated by


He also said "wasting time is severer than death. Because death prevents you from living people while wasting time prevents you from Allah".

Abdul-llah bin Mas'ood said "By Allah, I hate to say the man doing nothing. Not occupied with matters of his hereafter nor occupied with matters of his world".

Abdul-llah bin 'Abbas said "if the sun risen on a day and my knowledge did not increase on this day then may that sunrise not be blessed".

Al-Hassan Al-Basree said "O son of Adam, you are only a group of days. If a day is gone then a portion of you is gone".

Ibnul-Qayyem Al-Jawziyyah said "a sign of being forsaken by Allah is to be preoccupied with what is not beneficial".

We ask Allah to make us occupied with what beneficial to us in both worlds,

zaadul ma'aad